Welcome to the Healthflow
We help you find your own path to health. We work with different systems such as the lymphatic system, nervous system, fascia and also our emotions, thoughts and energies. We see that everything works together and nothing can be separated. However, the body has a priority. We want to help you find yours.
Nyhet! Digital Energihälsa i höst
5 workshops. 1 månad. Steg för steg.
Känner du igen dig?
Energilös/dränerad i sociala sammanhang?
Behöver du tid för dig själv för att ladda dina batterier?
Känner du in andras känslor?
Svårt att komma ner i varv?
Alltid "ögon i nacken"
Anspänd i kroppen
Håller ofta andan
Smärta som flyttar på sig
Blir ofta trött
Kan skifta från trött till pigg snabbt
Blir lätt stressad
What we do
What we done before
Below you can listen to a podcast we previously participated in about the Lymphatic System and how we look at health with PLC, Premium Lifestyle Club. We were also speakers at the Conscious Breathing Summit 2022, it was 3 days full of interesting speakers from all over the world who gathered under a common topic, Conscious Breathing. See below if you want to take part of this.